The World Happiness Report (2016) ranks 156 countries by their happiness levels.
A tibble with 157 rows and 14 variables:
- Country
chr The name of the Country
- Region
chr The geographical region of the Country
- Happiness.Rank
int The value of happiness. There are 6 factors that were calculated into the score : GDP, social suppot, health life expectancy, life choices freedom, generosity and perceptions of corruption. The lower the value the happier ranking.
- Happiness.Score
num The statistical average for the happiness scores.
- Lower.Confidence.Interval
num The lower confidence interval for happiness score.
- Upper.Confidence.Interval
num The upper confidence interval for happiness score.
- Economy.GDP.per.capita
num The Gross Domestic Gross of a country in terms of Purchasing Power Parity used by World Development Indicators (WDI)
- Family
num Average of family happiness ranking
- Health.Life.Expectancy
num The average for health and life expectancy scores.
- Freedom
num The average score of personal freedoms
- Trust.Government.Corruption
num The average score of level of personal trust in government
- Dystopia.Residual
num The statistical residual affect of dystopian views and life.