11  Budgetary Control & Responsibility

This chapter deals with how managers utilize budgets to control operations, as there are factors that need to be accounted for which can’t be controlled. There is budgetary control and responsibility accounting.

Using budgets to control operations is budgetary control and by comparing actual results to planned objectives is the method used by managers, thought of as a “mid term report”. Budgetary control reports should have the following:

Sales Report
Determine whether sales goals are being met
Top Management & Sales Manager

Budgetary control activities include: develop budget, analyze difference between actual and budget, modify future plans and take corrective action.

11.1 Static Budget Reports

A static budget is a projection of budget data at one level of activity, and are part of the whole master budget.

Show the code
sales ={
  'expected_units': 5000,
  'variable_costs': {
    'direct_materials': 6,
    'direct_labor': 15,
    'overhead': 24
  'fixed_costs': {
    'depreciation': 10e3,
    'supervision': 5000
  'actual': {
    'direct_materials': 33900,
    'direct_labor': 74200,
    'overhead': 120500,
    'depreciation': 10e3,
    'supervision': 5000
  'budget': {
    'direct_materials': 30e3,
    'direct_labor': 75e3,
    'overhead': 120e3,
    'depreciation': 10e3,
    'supervision': 5000

Static budget function

Show the code
def static_budget( dict ):
  tb = list(dict['budget'].values())
  ta = list(dict['actual'].values())
  total_diff = sum(tb)  - sum(ta)
  tot_var_diff = sum(tb[0:3] ) - sum(ta[0:3] )
  print("-- Static Budget Report --")
  print("Total variable costs (Budget) ............ ${:,}".format( sum(tb[0:3] )  ))
  print("Total variable costs (Actual) ............ ${:,}".format( sum(ta[0:3] ) ))
  if tot_var_diff < 1:
    print("Difference in variable costs (unfavorable) ............. ${:,}\n".format( tot_var_diff))
    print("Difference in variable costs ............. ${:,}\n".format( tot_var_diff))
  print("Total Budgeted Sales ........... ${:,}".format( sum(tb) ))
  print("Total Actual Sales ............. ${:,}".format( sum(ta) ))
  if total_diff < 1:
    print("Total Difference in Sales (unfavorable) ............... ${:,}".format( total_diff ))
    print("Total Difference in Sales .................... ${:,}".format( total_diff ))

call function

Show the code
static_budget( sales )
-- Static Budget Report --
Total variable costs (Budget) ............ $225,000.0
Total variable costs (Actual) ............ $228,600
Difference in variable costs (unfavorable) ............. $-3,600.0

Total Budgeted Sales ........... $240,000.0
Total Actual Sales ............. $243,600.0
Total Difference in Sales (unfavorable) ............... $-3,600.0

11.2 Flexible Budgets

A flexible budget projects budget data for various levels of activity.

There are 4 steps to making a flexible budget:

  1. determine the activity index & relevant range of activity (labor hours per month) which is determined by management
  2. determine the variable costs and the budgeted variable cost per unit of activity for each
  3. determine the fixed costs and the budgeted amount for each
  4. prepare the budget for selected increments of activity within the relevant range
Show the code
flex_data = {
  'variable_costs': {
    'indirect materials': 180e3,
    'indirect labor': 240e3,
    'utilities': 60e3
  'fixed_costs': {
    'depreciation': 180e3,
    'supervision': 120e3,
    'property tax': 60e3
  'direct_labor_hrs': [8e3, 9e3,10e3, 11e3, 12e3]


Show the code
def flexible_budget( dict ):
  print("~~ Flexible Budget ~~~")
  # 1
  labor_hrs = dict['direct_labor_hrs']
  # 3
  fixed_costs = sum(dict['fixed_costs'].values())
  fc_per_month = fixed_costs/ 12

  # 2
  ops_hrs = dict['fixed_costs']['supervision']
  var_costs = list(dict['variable_costs'].values())
  var_cost_k = list(dict['variable_costs'].keys())
  vcpu = [] # variable cost per unit
  hrs_cpu = [] # hours * cost per unit
  indw = [] # indirect labor work 
  uts = [] # utilities
  for x in range( len(var_costs)):
    vc = var_costs[x] / ops_hrs
    print("Variable cost: {} per direct labor hour .... ${:,}".format(var_cost_k[x], vcpu[x] ))
  print("Total variable cost per direct labor hour ..... ${:,}\n".format( sum(vcpu) ))
  print("Total fixed costs per month ...... ${:,}".format(fc_per_month))
  # labor hours x vcpu 
  for x in range(len(labor_hrs)):
    units = labor_hrs[x] * vcpu[0]
    ind = labor_hrs[x] * vcpu[1]

    utils = labor_hrs[x] * vcpu[2]
    print("\nDirect labor hours {}".format(labor_hrs[x] ))
    print("{} : ${:,}".format(var_cost_k[0], hrs_cpu[x] ))
    print("{} : ${:,}".format(var_cost_k[1], indw[x]))
    print("{} : ${:,}".format(var_cost_k[2], uts[x]))

    tot_vc = hrs_cpu[x] + indw[x] + uts[x]
    print("total variable costs : ${:,}".format(tot_vc))
    grand_tot = fc_per_month + tot_vc
    print("Total costs ........................... ${:,}".format(grand_tot ))

call function

Show the code
flexible_budget( flex_data )
~~ Flexible Budget ~~~
Variable cost: indirect materials per direct labor hour .... $1.5
Variable cost: indirect labor per direct labor hour .... $2.0
Variable cost: utilities per direct labor hour .... $0.5
Total variable cost per direct labor hour ..... $4.0

Total fixed costs per month ...... $30,000.0

Direct labor hours 8000.0
indirect materials : $12,000.0
indirect labor : $16,000.0
utilities : $4,000.0
total variable costs : $32,000.0
Total costs ........................... $62,000.0

Direct labor hours 9000.0
indirect materials : $13,500.0
indirect labor : $18,000.0
utilities : $4,500.0
total variable costs : $36,000.0
Total costs ........................... $66,000.0

Direct labor hours 10000.0
indirect materials : $15,000.0
indirect labor : $20,000.0
utilities : $5,000.0
total variable costs : $40,000.0
Total costs ........................... $70,000.0

Direct labor hours 11000.0
indirect materials : $16,500.0
indirect labor : $22,000.0
utilities : $5,500.0
total variable costs : $44,000.0
Total costs ........................... $74,000.0

Direct labor hours 12000.0
indirect materials : $18,000.0
indirect labor : $24,000.0
utilities : $6,000.0
total variable costs : $48,000.0
Total costs ........................... $78,000.0

total budgeted costs

Show the code
budgeted_costs = 186e3
fixed_costs = 36e3
labor_hrs = 50e3
# variable costs (total variable cost per unit)
vcpu = (budgeted_costs - fixed_costs) / labor_hrs

def total_budgeted_costs(fixed_costs: float, vcpu: float, labor_hrs: float):
  tot_budget_costs = fixed_costs + vcpu * labor_hrs
  print("Total budgeted costs ... ${:,}".format(tot_budget_costs))

# labor_hrs = 30e3 #9e3

total_budgeted_costs(fixed_costs, vcpu, labor_hrs)
Total budgeted costs ... $186,000.0

11.3 Responsiblility Accounting

Responsibility accounting is accumulating and reporting costs (and revenues) that involve the manager who has the authority to make the day-to-day decisions about cost items.

Show the code
profit_co = {
  'actual': {
    'sales': 1.7e6,
    'variable_costs': 800e3,
    'fixed_costs': 400e3,
    'unfixed_costs': 200e3
  'budgeted': {
    'sales': 1.5e6,
    'variable_costs': 700e3,
    'fixed_costs': 400e3,
    'unfixed_costs': 200e3

function for responsibility report

Show the code
def responsibility_report( dict ):
  b = list(dict['budgeted'].values())
  sb = b[0]
  b_vc = b[1]
  b_contrib_marg = sb - b_vc
  b_ctrl_marg = b_contrib_marg - b[2]
  a = list(dict['actual'].values())
  sa = a[0]
  a_vc = a[1]
  a_contrib_marg = sa - a_vc
  a_ctrl_marg = a_contrib_marg - a[2]
  diff = sa - sb  - (a_contrib_marg - b_contrib_marg) 
  ROI = diff / a_ctrl_marg
  print("- Responsibility Report - ")
  print("Budgeted controllable margin ......... ${:,}".format(b_ctrl_marg))
  print("Actual controllable margin ........... ${:,}".format(a_ctrl_marg))
  print("sales difference ..................... ${:,}".format(sa - sb))
  print("contribution margin difference ....... ${:,}".format((a_contrib_marg - b_contrib_marg)))
  print("Difference: controllable margin ............. ${:,}".format(diff))
  print("Return on Investment ........................ {:.2f}%".format(ROI * 100))

responsibility_report( profit_co )
- Responsibility Report - 
Budgeted controllable margin ......... $400,000.0
Actual controllable margin ........... $500,000.0
sales difference ..................... $200,000.0
contribution margin difference ....... $100,000.0
Difference: controllable margin ............. $100,000.0
Return on Investment ........................ 20.00%

11.4 Evaluating Performance

The main basis for evaluation is the return on investment (ROI) which shows how effective the manager was in using assets at their disposal. Assets such as plant andits future use are excluded from ROI. The average operating assets are based on the asset cost or value at both beginning and end of the year.

  • ROI = controllable margin / average operating assets

Modified Responsibility Report showing return on investments for budget vs actual costs with the difference.

Show the code
column = ['Budget','Actual']
ctrl_margin = [300e3, 264e3] # controllable margins
avg_op_asset = 2e6  # average operating assets

# return on investments
rois = []

for x in range(len(ctrl_margin)):
  # return
  r = (ctrl_margin[x] / avg_op_asset) *100
  print("{} Return on Investment .... {:.2f}%".format(column[x], rois[x]) )

# budget ROI subtract the Actual ROI
rd = rois[0] - rois[-1]
print("Return on Investment difference : {:.2f}%".format(rd))

# use the return difference divided by the budget ROI
roi = (rd/ rois[0])*100
print("Performance Return on Investment is {:.2f}%".format(roi))
Budget Return on Investment .... 15.00%
Actual Return on Investment .... 13.20%
Return on Investment difference : 1.80%
Performance Return on Investment is 12.00%

11.4.1 Improving ROI

There are various factors that affect ROI, there is an extended ROI formula to determine what the driving factors are behind the ROI value.

  • profit margin = operating income / sales
  • investment turnover = sales / operating assets
  • ROI = (profit margin) x (investment turnover)
Show the code
sales = 2e6 
variable_costs = 1.1e6
controllable_fixed_costs = 300e3
avg_operating_assets = 5e6
contribution_margin_prct = 0.45 # margin percent

contribution_margin = sales - variable_costs
contrib_margin = sales * contribution_margin_prct

# operating income
controllable_margin = contribution_margin - controllable_fixed_costs
roi = (controllable_margin / avg_operating_assets)*100
print("Return on Investment : {:.2f}%".format(roi))

# -- expanded
profit_margin = controllable_margin/ sales
investment_turnover = sales / avg_operating_assets
roi_2 = (profit_margin * investment_turnover)*100

print("\nROI expanded ....... {:.2f}%".format(roi_2))
print("Profit Margin: ......{}%  ".format(profit_margin*100))
print("Investment Turnover: {}%".format(investment_turnover*100))
Return on Investment : 12.00%

ROI expanded ....... 12.00%
Profit Margin: ......30.0%  
Investment Turnover: 40.0%

11.4.2 ROI Example

Investment company data

Show the code
investment_co = {
  'sales': 400e3,
  'variable_costs': 320e3,
  'controllable_fixed_costs': 40800,
  'avg_operating_assets': 280e3

Management wants to reduce operating assets by 80,000 with no change in controllable margin. Increase sales by 80,000 with no change in controllable margin percentage. Calculate the controllable margin and expected return on investment.

Show the code
def return_on_investment( dict ):
  print("--- Return on Investment ---")
  # -- dictionary
  sales = dict['sales']
  var_costs = dict['variable_costs']
  ctrl_fixed_costs = dict['controllable_fixed_costs']
  avg_op_assets = dict['avg_operating_assets']
  # formulas
  contribution_margin = sales - var_costs
  contrib_margin_prct = contribution_margin / sales
  ctrl_margin = contribution_margin - ctrl_fixed_costs
  roi = (ctrl_margin / avg_op_assets)*100
  expected_roi = ctrl_margin / (avg_op_assets - contribution_margin) *100
  # -- expanded
  profit_margin = ctrl_margin/ sales
  investment_turnover = sales / (avg_op_assets) #- contribution_margin)
  roi_2 = (profit_margin * investment_turnover)*100
  #---- expected roi 2
  sales_2 = sales + contribution_margin
  var_cost_2 = (var_costs / sales) * sales_2
  cm_2 = sales_2 - var_cost_2 - ctrl_fixed_costs
  roi_3 = (cm_2 / avg_op_assets)*100
  profit_margin3 = cm_2/ sales_2
  investment_turnover2 = sales_2 / (avg_op_assets )#- contribution_margin)
  roi_4 = (profit_margin3 * investment_turnover2)*100
  print("Controllable margin ................ ${:,}".format(ctrl_margin))
  print("Return on Investment ............... {:.2f}%".format(roi))
  print("Expected return on investment ...... {:.2f}% (Expanded: {:.2f}%)".format(expected_roi, roi_2))
  print("\nAlternative:\nControllable margin ....... ${:,}".format(cm_2))
  print("Return on Investment ...... {:.2f}%  (Expanded: {:.2f}%)".format(roi_3, roi_4))

call function

Show the code
return_on_investment( investment_co )
--- Return on Investment ---
Controllable margin ................ $39,200.0
Return on Investment ............... 14.00%
Expected return on investment ...... 19.60% (Expanded: 14.00%)

Controllable margin ....... $55,200.0
Return on Investment ...... 19.71%  (Expanded: 19.71%)

11.4.3 Residual Income

Residual income is the income that remains after subtracting from the controllable margin the minimum rate of return on a company’s average operating assets.

  • residual income = controllable margin - (min. rate of return x average operating assets)


Show the code
avg_operating_assets = 2e6
controllable_margin = 260e3
min_rate_of_return = 0.10

residual_income = controllable_margin - (min_rate_of_return * avg_operating_assets)
print("Residual income ... ${:,}".format(residual_income))
Residual income ... $60,000.0