1  Quanteda

The content in the section has most of the content from Quanteda’s tutorials, with each section adapted to be similar but different. Some topics are not covered in this section such as Wordfish, Regular regression classifier, Topic Models, etc. as to not reproduce a full tutorial series but to show main parts of the library.

This section is for the Quanteda tutorials, which has 3 components (object types).

The 3 object types:

  1. corpus = character strings and variables in data frames, combines texts with document level variables

  2. tokens = tokens in a list of vectors, keeping the position of words

  3. document-feature-matrix (DFM) = represents frequencies in a document in a matrix, no positions of words, can use bag-of-words analysis

1.1 Libraries

Here is the list of Quanteda libraries to install and load in order to follow along with any part of the tutorial.

# install.packages("quanteda")
# install.packages("quanteda.textmodels") 
# devtools::install_github("quanteda/quanteda.corpora")
# devtools::install_github("kbenoit/quanteda.dictionaries")
# install.packages("readtext")

# used for reading in text data

The readtext package supports: plain text files (.txt), JSON, csv, .tab, .tsv, .xml, pdf, .doc, .docx, etc and can be used to read a book for the Project Gutenberg for text analysis.

After you have properly installed and loaded the libraries, you can access the the data corpus available without the need of reading in a csv file. Load in a corpus from Quanteda package and save it as a variable.

Corpus available:

  • data_corpus_amicus
  • data_corpus_dailnoconf1991
  • data_corpus_EPcoaldebate
  • data_corpus_immigrationnews
  • data_corpus_inaugural most common used one in tutorial
  • data_corpus_irishbudget2010
  • data_corpus_irishbudgets
  • data_corpus_moviereviews
  • data_corpus_sotu State of the Union speeches
  • data_corpus_udhr
  • data_corpus_ukmanifestos
  • data_corpus_ungd2017
# to load a corpus and save it as variable name
corpus = corpus(data_char_ukimmig2010)

1.2 Corpus

Load the corpus data_corpus_ukmanifestos, which is about British election manifestos on immigration and asylum.

brit_manifesto = corpus(data_corpus_ukmanifestos,
                        docvars = data.frame(party = names(data_corpus_ukmanifestos)))

Corpus consisting of 101 documents and 1 docvar.
UK_natl_1945_en_Con :
"CONSERVATIVE PARTY: 1945  Mr. Churchill's Declaration of Pol..."

UK_natl_1945_en_Lab :
"Labour Party: 1945  Let Us Face the Future: A Declaration of..."

UK_natl_1945_en_Lib :
"LIBERAL MANIFESTO 1945  20 Point Manifesto of the Liberal Pa..."

UK_natl_1950_en_Con :
"CONSERVATIVE PARTY: 1950  This is the Road: The Conservative..."

UK_natl_1950_en_Lab :
"LABOUR PARTY: 1950  Let Us Win Through Together: A Declarati..."

UK_natl_1950_en_Lib :
"LIBERAL PARTY 1950  No Easy Way: Britain's Problems and the ..."

[ reached max_ndoc ... 95 more documents ]
head( summary(brit_manifesto) )
                 Text Types Tokens Sentences               party
1 UK_natl_1945_en_Con  1752   6679       269 UK_natl_1945_en_Con
2 UK_natl_1945_en_Lab  1433   5492       234 UK_natl_1945_en_Lab
3 UK_natl_1945_en_Lib  1208   3729       157 UK_natl_1945_en_Lib
4 UK_natl_1950_en_Con  2075   8075       366 UK_natl_1950_en_Con
5 UK_natl_1950_en_Lab  1541   5392       274 UK_natl_1950_en_Lab
6 UK_natl_1950_en_Lib  1202   3322       136 UK_natl_1950_en_Lib

1.2.1 docvars

Quanteda objects keep information associated with documents, these are ‘document level variables’ and are accessed using docvars() function.

inaug_corpus = corpus(data_corpus_inaugural)

head( docvars(inaug_corpus))
  Year  President FirstName                 Party
1 1789 Washington    George                  none
2 1793 Washington    George                  none
3 1797      Adams      John            Federalist
4 1801  Jefferson    Thomas Democratic-Republican
5 1805  Jefferson    Thomas Democratic-Republican
6 1809    Madison     James Democratic-Republican

To extract docvars variables use the field argument or use the $ like you normally use on a dataframe.

docvars( inaug_corpus, field = 'Year')
 [1] 1789 1793 1797 1801 1805 1809 1813 1817 1821 1825 1829 1833 1837 1841 1845
[16] 1849 1853 1857 1861 1865 1869 1873 1877 1881 1885 1889 1893 1897 1901 1905
[31] 1909 1913 1917 1921 1925 1929 1933 1937 1941 1945 1949 1953 1957 1961 1965
[46] 1969 1973 1977 1981 1985 1989 1993 1997 2001 2005 2009 2013 2017 2021

Create or update docvars, in this example of creating a column for Century.

floor_ = floor(docvars(inaug_corpus, field = 'Year') / 100)+1

docvars(inaug_corpus, field = 'Century') = floor_

  Year  President FirstName                 Party Century
1 1789 Washington    George                  none      18
2 1793 Washington    George                  none      18
3 1797      Adams      John            Federalist      18
4 1801  Jefferson    Thomas Democratic-Republican      19
5 1805  Jefferson    Thomas Democratic-Republican      19
6 1809    Madison     James Democratic-Republican      19

1.2.2 subset

This section is about using the corpus_subset() function on all docvars.

#--- get the Inaugural Speeches
# inaug_corpus

#--- look at the docvars
# head( docvars(inaug_corpus))

# now we subset the corpus for speeches after 1990
inaug_corpus_subset1990s = corpus_subset(inaug_corpus, Year >= 1990)

# check the number of documents 
head(inaug_corpus_subset1990s, 3)
Corpus consisting of 3 documents and 5 docvars.
1993-Clinton :
"My fellow citizens, today we celebrate the mystery of Americ..."

1997-Clinton :
"My fellow citizens: At this last presidential inauguration o..."

2001-Bush :
"President Clinton, distinguished guests and my fellow citize..."

If you want only specific US Presidents. Note that there are 2 data objects that appear when you type ‘President’, presidents from the {datasets} package and presidential from {ggplot2} package.

# select specific US Presidents
selected_presidents = c('Obama','Clinton','Carter')

democrat_corpus_subset =  corpus_subset(inaug_corpus,
                                        President %in% selected_presidents

Corpus consisting of 5 documents and 5 docvars.
1977-Carter :
"For myself and for our Nation, I want to thank my predecesso..."

1993-Clinton :
"My fellow citizens, today we celebrate the mystery of Americ..."

1997-Clinton :
"My fellow citizens: At this last presidential inauguration o..."

2009-Obama :
"My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task b..."

2013-Obama :
"Vice President Biden, Mr. Chief Justice, Members of the Unit..."

1.2.3 reshape

You can reshape the document paragraphs to sentences, which can be restored even after being modified by functions.

UN_corpus = corpus(data_corpus_ungd2017)

# 196 documents, 7 docvars
Corpus consisting of 6 documents and 7 docvars.
Afghanistan :
"As I stand here before the General Assembly today, I am remi..."

Angola :
"On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Angola, allow..."

Albania :
"How many times has it happened that humankind has been confr..."

Andorra :
"I would like to begin by congratulating the President, Mr. M..."

United Arab Emirates :
"I would like to begin by congratulating the President on his..."

Argentina :
"I am very honoured and very happy to be here today represent..."

Now change the document into sentences

UN_corpus_sentences = corpus_reshape(UN_corpus, to= 'sentences')

Corpus consisting of 6 documents and 7 docvars.
Afghanistan.1 :
"As I stand here before the General Assembly today, I am remi..."

Afghanistan.2 :
"Shaped by the Great Depression and tempered by the carnage o..."

Afghanistan.3 :
"The United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the Wor..."

Afghanistan.4 :
"There can be little doubt that today the scale, scope and sp..."

Afghanistan.5 :
"But future historians will judge those institutions on how t..."

Afghanistan.6 :
"As global leaders, we seek certainty and familiarity in the ..."
# there is now 16806 number of documents

To change back

UN_corpus_doc = corpus_reshape(UN_corpus_sentences, to= 'documents')

1.2.4 segment

You can extract segments of text and tags from documents, the use-case for this is analyzing documents or transcripts separately.

Document sections

The created mini text document that has 6 lines, which has section that uses “##” as a pattern to organize the text into new lines. Here is what the text file contains.

##INTRO This is the introduction.
##DOC1 This is the first document.  Second sentence in Doc 1.
##DOC3    Third document starts here.  End of third document.
##INTRO                                               Document
##NUMBER                                      Two starts before
##NUMBER                                                 Three.

# read in a simple text file as shown above
txt_file = readr::read_file('./doctext.txt')

# need to convert it to a corpus object
txt_file_corpus = corpus(txt_file)

# provide the pattern of ## in order for it to be separated into new lines
txt_seg = corpus_segment(txt_file_corpus, pattern = "##*")
Corpus consisting of 6 documents and 1 docvar.
text1.1 :
"This is the introduction."

text1.2 :
"This is the first document.  Second sentence in Doc 1."

text1.3 :
"Third document starts here.  End of third document."

text1.4 :

text1.5 :
"Two starts before"

text1.6 :

By providing a pattern value for the corpus_segment() you can do regular expressions for removing words and symbols.

# transform text into corpus
corp_speeches = corpus("Mr. Samwell Tarly: Text Analysis.
                        Mx. Jones: More text analysis?
                        Mr. Samwell Tarly: we will do it again, and again.")

# use corpus segment with regular expression pattern matching
corp_speakers = corpus_segment(corp_speeches, 
                                pattern = "\\b[A-Z].+\\s[A-Z][a-z]+:", 
                                valuetype = "regex")

# bind the rows together
cbind(docvars(corp_speakers), text = as.character(corp_speakers))
                   pattern                            text
text1.1 Mr. Samwell Tarly:                  Text Analysis.
text1.2         Mx. Jones:             More text analysis?
text1.3 Mr. Samwell Tarly: we will do it again, and again.

1.3 Tokens

Tokens segments texts in a corpus (words or sentences) by word boundaries.

# step 1 - load in corpus
sotu_corpus = corpus(data_corpus_sotu)

# step 2 - pass in the corpus into tokens function
# using the tokens() you can remove punctuation and numbers

sotu_corpus_tokens = tokens(sotu_corpus, 
                            remove_punct = TRUE,
                            remove_symbols = TRUE,
                            remove_numbers = TRUE,
                            remove_url = TRUE

head(sotu_corpus_tokens, 3)
Tokens consisting of 3 documents and 6 docvars.
Washington-1790 :
 [1] "Fellow-Citizens" "of"              "the"             "Senate"         
 [5] "and"             "House"           "of"              "Representatives"
 [9] "I"               "embrace"         "with"            "great"          
[ ... and 1,073 more ]

Washington-1790b :
 [1] "Fellow-Citizens" "of"              "the"             "Senate"         
 [5] "and"             "House"           "of"              "Representatives"
 [9] "In"              "meeting"         "you"             "again"          
[ ... and 1,388 more ]

Washington-1791 :
 [1] "Fellow-Citizens" "of"              "the"             "Senate"         
 [5] "and"             "House"           "of"              "Representatives"
 [9] "In"              "vain"            "may"             "we"             
[ ... and 2,285 more ]

1.3.1 kwic

Keyword-in-contexts (kwic) is the method used to search for keywords in corpus documents.

#-- continue using the tokenized corpus of State of the Union
# sotu_corpus_tokens

# keyword to search the corpus follows the pattern argument
# our keyword here will be 'love'
# save kwic in a variable

keyword_search =  kwic(sotu_corpus_tokens, pattern = 'love')

Keyword-in-context with 6 matches.                                                                    
 [Washington-1790b, 1327]        wisdom and animated by the | love |
  [Washington-1793, 1122]  equity proceeding from a sincere | love |
  [Washington-1795, 1011] acknowledgment to Heaven and pure | love |
    [Jefferson-1801, 923]      of happiness educated in the | love |
     [Jefferson-1807, 37]     earlier period than usual The | love |
   [Jefferson-1808, 2621] unshaken by difficulties in their | love |
 of your country In whatever           
 of peace and a liberality             
 to our country to unite               
 of order habituated to self-government
 of peace so much cherished            
 of liberty obedience to law           

You can search for multiple words by using a vector.

search_words = c('love','science')

searched_words = kwic(sotu_corpus_tokens, pattern = search_words)

Keyword-in-context with 6 matches.                                                                       
   [Washington-1790, 641]   patronage than the promotion of | science |
 [Washington-1790b, 1327]        wisdom and animated by the |  love   |
  [Washington-1793, 1122]  equity proceeding from a sincere |  love   |
  [Washington-1795, 1011] acknowledgment to Heaven and pure |  love   |
  [Washington-1796, 1910]               of our youth in the | science |
    [Jefferson-1801, 923]      of happiness educated in the |  love   |
 and literature Knowledge is in        
 of your country In whatever           
 of peace and a liberality             
 to our country to unite               
 of government In a republic           
 of order habituated to self-government

For multi-word expressions, use the phrase() function after the pattern argument.

us_searchword = kwic(sotu_corpus_tokens, pattern =  phrase("United States"))

Keyword-in-context with 6 matches.                                                                              
    [Washington-1790, 47:48]      to the Constitution of the | United States |
  [Washington-1790, 397:398] aggressors The interests of the | United States |
  [Washington-1790, 520:521]     weights and measures of the | United States |
  [Washington-1790, 956:957]  character and interests of the | United States |
 [Washington-1790b, 520:521]              on the part of the | United States |
 [Washington-1790b, 743:744]     and security enjoyed by the | United States |
 of which official information has 
 require that our intercourse with 
 is an object of great             
 are so obviously so deeply        
 renewed their violences with fresh
 reminds us at the same            

To view all of the keyword search results in a RStudio window.

# view(us_searchword)

1.3.2 select tokens

You can remove tokens that you do not want or interest in, this can be either on its own or in combination with stopwords() function.

So far we have tokenized the State of the Union corpus and did some keyword searched, but the corpus still has stopwords inside the text, to remove them we use the function tokens_select() and pass in the stopwords along with the language parameter.

#-- continue using sotu corpus

sotu_corpus_tokens_clean = tokens_select(sotu_corpus_tokens,
              pattern =  stopwords('en'), # 'en' for English
              selection = 'remove'

head(sotu_corpus_tokens_clean, 3)
Tokens consisting of 3 documents and 6 docvars.
Washington-1790 :
 [1] "Fellow-Citizens" "Senate"          "House"           "Representatives"
 [5] "embrace"         "great"           "satisfaction"    "opportunity"    
 [9] "now"             "presents"        "congratulating"  "present"        
[ ... and 488 more ]

Washington-1790b :
 [1] "Fellow-Citizens" "Senate"          "House"           "Representatives"
 [5] "meeting"         "feel"            "much"            "satisfaction"   
 [9] "able"            "repeat"          "congratulations" "favorable"      
[ ... and 619 more ]

Washington-1791 :
 [1] "Fellow-Citizens" "Senate"          "House"           "Representatives"
 [5] "vain"            "may"             "expect"          "peace"          
 [9] "Indians"         "frontiers"       "long"            "lawless"        
[ ... and 1,058 more ]
#---- equivalent function call
#  tokens_remove( sotu_corpus_tokens, pattern= stopwords('en'), padding= FALSE )

For very specific words that interest you in token selection, you can pass in a vector of those words.

specific_words = c('love','scien*','reason')

specific_tokens_select = tokens_select(sotu_corpus_tokens,
                                       pattern = specific_words,
                                       padding = FALSE

# Tokens consisting of 241 documents and 6 docvars.
Tokens consisting of 6 documents and 6 docvars.
Washington-1790 :
[1] "reason"  "science"

Washington-1790b :
[1] "love"

Washington-1791 :

Washington-1792 :
[1] "reason"

Washington-1793 :
[1] "reason" "love"  

Washington-1794 :
[1] "reason" "reason"

To see the words that surround the selected token, use the window argument, here the window is 5 words.

window_token_select = tokens_select(sotu_corpus_tokens, 
              pattern = specific_words, 
              padding = F, 
              window = 5

head(window_token_select, 3)
Tokens consisting of 3 documents and 6 docvars.
Washington-1790 :
 [1] "regard"    "to"        "economy"   "There"     "was"       "reason"   
 [7] "to"        "hope"      "that"      "the"       "pacific"   "patronage"
[ ... and 10 more ]

Washington-1790b :
 [1] "wisdom"   "and"      "animated" "by"       "the"      "love"    
 [7] "of"       "your"     "country"  "In"       "whatever"

Washington-1791 :

1.3.3 compund tokens

Similar to what we already did, there is a tokens_compound() function that uses a vector for tokens to search. This will look just like the kwic() function.

#---- kwic() 
searched_words2 = c("americ*", "american people")

america_kwic = kwic(sotu_corpus_tokens, pattern = searched_words2)

Keyword-in-context with 6 matches.                                                                          
  [Washington-1790b, 67]            by a considerable rise of | American |
   [Washington-1794, 22]               of Heaven by which the | American |
 [Washington-1794, 1988]     over that precious depository of | American |
  [Washington-1795, 732]         nations of Europe with their | American |
  [Washington-1796, 773]         the protection and relief of | American |
      [Adams-1797, 1583] obligations The numerous captures of | American |
 stock abroad as well as           
 people became a nation when       
 happiness the Constitution of the 
 dependencies have been involved in
 sea-men agents were appointed one 
 vessels by the cruisers of        
#---- tokens_compound

america_token_compound = tokens_compound(sotu_corpus_tokens,
                pattern = phrase(searched_words2) 

# head(america_token_compound)
head( kwic(america_token_compound, pattern = searched_words2) )
Keyword-in-context with 6 matches.                                                                               
  [Washington-1790b, 67]            by a considerable rise of |    American    
   [Washington-1794, 22]               of Heaven by which the | American_people
 [Washington-1794, 1987]     over that precious depository of |    American    
  [Washington-1795, 732]         nations of Europe with their |    American    
  [Washington-1796, 773]         the protection and relief of |    American    
      [Adams-1797, 1583] obligations The numerous captures of |    American    
 | stock abroad as well as           
 | became a nation when we           
 | happiness the Constitution of the 
 | dependencies have been involved in
 | sea-men agents were appointed one 
 | vessels by the cruisers of        

1.3.4 n-grams

You can make n-grams in any length from tokens using the tokens_ngrams() which makes a sequence of tokens.

# -- pass in the sotu corpus tokens object
#    n-gram will be from 2 to 4

sotu_corpus_ngrams = tokens_ngrams(sotu_corpus_tokens, n= 2:4)

# for simplicity, the 1st document is shown
# 1st document, 20 of the docvars n-grams

head(sotu_corpus_ngrams[[1]], 20)
 [1] "Fellow-Citizens_of" "of_the"             "the_Senate"        
 [4] "Senate_and"         "and_House"          "House_of"          
 [7] "of_Representatives" "Representatives_I"  "I_embrace"         
[10] "embrace_with"       "with_great"         "great_satisfaction"
[13] "satisfaction_the"   "the_opportunity"    "opportunity_which" 
[16] "which_now"          "now_presents"       "presents_itself"   
[19] "itself_of"          "of_congratulating" 
# head(sotu_corpus_ngrams, 3)

You can skip n-grams

sotu_corpus_ngrams_skip = tokens_ngrams(sotu_corpus_tokens,
                                        n= 2,
                                        skip = 1:2

# notice the document returns [1][4] ...

head(sotu_corpus_ngrams_skip, 2)
Tokens consisting of 2 documents and 6 docvars.
Washington-1790 :
 [1] "Fellow-Citizens_the"    "Fellow-Citizens_Senate" "of_Senate"             
 [4] "of_and"                 "the_and"                "the_House"             
 [7] "Senate_House"           "Senate_of"              "and_of"                
[10] "and_Representatives"    "House_Representatives"  "House_I"               
[ ... and 2,153 more ]

Washington-1790b :
 [1] "Fellow-Citizens_the"    "Fellow-Citizens_Senate" "of_Senate"             
 [4] "of_and"                 "the_and"                "the_House"             
 [7] "Senate_House"           "Senate_of"              "and_of"                
[10] "and_Representatives"    "House_Representatives"  "House_In"              
[ ... and 2,783 more ]

Selective ngrams

Selecting ngrams based on a keyword, phrase or a vector of words is done by using the tokens_compound() and tokens_select().

#-- select phrases that have 'not'

phrase_not = c("not *","not_*")

sotu_not_ngrams = tokens_compound(sotu_corpus_tokens,
                pattern = phrase(phrase_not)

sotu_not_ngrams_select = tokens_select(sotu_not_ngrams, 
                                       # need to include again
                                       pattern = phrase(phrase_not)

head(sotu_not_ngrams_select, 3)
Tokens consisting of 3 documents and 6 docvars.
Washington-1790 :
[1] "not_but"     "not_only"    "not_I"       "not_forbear"

Washington-1790b :
[1] "not_only"      "not_fail"      "not_less"      "not_be"       
[5] "not_overlook"  "not_less"      "not_think"     "not_desirable"
[9] "not_merely"   

Washington-1791 :
[1] "not_fail"    "not_only"    "not_forbear" "not_fail"   

1.4 document-feature-matrix

A document-feature-matrix (dfm) is made from tokens objects. Unlike all the work previously the objects returned were documents in a row with docvars for each tokens operation performed. A dfm returns a dataframe like object with features and docvars.

# -- continue to use the sotu tokens object where punctuation etc. was removed
# sotu_corpus_tokens

sotu_corpus_dfm = dfm(sotu_corpus_tokens)

Document-feature matrix of: 6 documents, 29,008 features (97.48% sparse) and 6 docvars.
docs               fellow-citizens  of the senate and house representatives  i
  Washington-1790                1  69  97      2  41     3               3 11
  Washington-1790b               1  89 122      2  45     3               3  8
  Washington-1791                1 159 242      3  73     3               3  6
  Washington-1792                1 139 195      2  56     3               3 21
  Washington-1793                1 132 180      2  49     3               3 12
  Washington-1794                1 187 273      2  86     4               3 18
docs               embrace with
  Washington-1790        1   11
  Washington-1790b       0   15
  Washington-1791        0   27
  Washington-1792        0   20
  Washington-1793        0   24
  Washington-1794        0   17
[ reached max_nfeat ... 28,998 more features ]

Common functions to use with a document-feature-matrix:

  • docnames( )
  • featnames( )
  • rowSums( )
  • colSums( )

To get the most frequent features can be retrieved by using topfeatures()

#-- this corpus dfm has stopwords included
# topfeatures(sotu_corpus_dfm)

#-- to use the cleaned corpus need to make it a dfm

sotu_corpus_tokens_clean_dfm = dfm(sotu_corpus_tokens_clean)

government     states   congress     united        can       year     people 
      7444       6942       5795       5181       4845       4617       4286 
      upon    country       must 
      4229       3619       3600 

To get a proportion of a feature within documents total count, use the dfm_weight(scheme='prop'), which is a relative frequency. The scheme by default is ‘count’.

# dfm_weight(sotu_corpus_dfm, scheme = 'prop')

dfm_weight(sotu_corpus_tokens_clean_dfm, scheme = 'prop')
Document-feature matrix of: 241 documents, 28,840 features (94.28% sparse) and 6 docvars.
docs               fellow-citizens      senate       house representatives
  Washington-1790     0.0020000000 0.004000000 0.006000000     0.006000000
  Washington-1790b    0.0015847861 0.003169572 0.004754358     0.004754358
  Washington-1791     0.0009345794 0.002803738 0.002803738     0.002803738
  Washington-1792     0.0010427529 0.002085506 0.003128259     0.003128259
  Washington-1793     0.0011098779 0.002219756 0.003329634     0.003329634
  Washington-1794     0.0007485030 0.001497006 0.002994012     0.002245509
docs               embrace       great satisfaction  opportunity         now
  Washington-1790    0.002 0.008000000  0.004000000 0.0020000000 0.002000000
  Washington-1790b   0     0.006339144  0.001584786 0            0.003169572
  Washington-1791    0     0            0.002803738 0.0009345794 0          
  Washington-1792    0     0            0.003128259 0            0.002085506
  Washington-1793    0     0            0           0.0011098779 0.002219756
  Washington-1794    0     0.000748503  0           0.0007485030 0.002245509
docs               presents
  Washington-1790     0.002
  Washington-1790b    0    
  Washington-1791     0    
  Washington-1792     0    
  Washington-1793     0    
  Washington-1794     0    
[ reached max_ndoc ... 235 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 28,830 more features ]

Get the weight of dfm by tf-idf frequency inverse document frequency

          scheme_df = 'inverse', 
          scheme_tf = 'count'
Document-feature matrix of: 241 documents, 28,840 features (94.28% sparse) and 6 docvars.
docs               fellow-citizens    senate     house representatives
  Washington-1790        0.5246845 0.1663279 0.2044495       0.4394658
  Washington-1790b       0.5246845 0.1663279 0.2044495       0.4394658
  Washington-1791        0.5246845 0.2494919 0.2044495       0.4394658
  Washington-1792        0.5246845 0.1663279 0.2044495       0.4394658
  Washington-1793        0.5246845 0.1663279 0.2044495       0.4394658
  Washington-1794        0.5246845 0.1663279 0.2725993       0.4394658
docs                 embrace       great satisfaction opportunity         now
  Washington-1790  0.7485486 0.021760342    0.6351181  0.08098705 0.005440086
  Washington-1790b 0         0.021760342    0.3175591  0          0.010880171
  Washington-1791  0         0              0.9526772  0.08098705 0          
  Washington-1792  0         0              0.9526772  0          0.010880171
  Washington-1793  0         0              0          0.08098705 0.010880171
  Washington-1794  0         0.005440086    0          0.08098705 0.016320257
docs                presents
  Washington-1790  0.5559422
  Washington-1790b 0        
  Washington-1791  0        
  Washington-1792  0        
  Washington-1793  0        
  Washington-1794  0        
[ reached max_ndoc ... 235 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 28,830 more features ]

1.4.1 dfm_keep

You can select features from a dfm using dfm_select() and dfm_keep(), keep the number of features at least the number of times.

# -- continue with sotu tokens dfm
# sotu_corpus_tokens_clean_dfm

sotu_clean_dfm_keep = dfm_keep(sotu_corpus_tokens_clean_dfm,
                               min_nchar= 5)

Document-feature matrix of: 6 documents, 26,948 features (97.87% sparse) and 6 docvars.
docs               fellow-citizens senate house representatives embrace great
  Washington-1790                1      2     3               3       1     4
  Washington-1790b               1      2     3               3       0     4
  Washington-1791                1      3     3               3       0     0
  Washington-1792                1      2     3               3       0     0
  Washington-1793                1      2     3               3       0     0
  Washington-1794                1      2     4               3       0     1
docs               satisfaction opportunity presents congratulating
  Washington-1790             2           1        1              1
  Washington-1790b            1           0        0              0
  Washington-1791             3           1        0              0
  Washington-1792             3           0        0              0
  Washington-1793             0           1        0              0
  Washington-1794             0           1        0              0
[ reached max_nfeat ... 26,938 more features ]

See the topfeatures for the min characters

topfeatures( sotu_clean_dfm_keep)
government     states   congress     united     people    country      great 
      7444       6942       5795       5181       4286       3619       3468 
    public   american      years 
      3400       2928       2699 

If the number of features is below a number threshold that you want, you can use the min_termfreq = n to drop the features below n. In this example we use 10, so any feature that appears less than 10 times in all of the document will be removed. If max_docfreq = 0.1, then features more than 10% of the documents will be removed.

#  an option is to include docfreq_type= 'prop'
#  for relative proportion

sotu_clean_minfreq = dfm_trim(sotu_corpus_tokens_clean_dfm,
                              min_termfreq = 10)

Document-feature matrix of: 6 documents, 8,248 features (92.71% sparse) and 6 docvars.
docs               fellow-citizens senate house representatives embrace great
  Washington-1790                1      2     3               3       1     4
  Washington-1790b               1      2     3               3       0     4
  Washington-1791                1      3     3               3       0     0
  Washington-1792                1      2     3               3       0     0
  Washington-1793                1      2     3               3       0     0
  Washington-1794                1      2     4               3       0     1
docs               satisfaction opportunity now presents
  Washington-1790             2           1   1        1
  Washington-1790b            1           0   2        0
  Washington-1791             3           1   0        0
  Washington-1792             3           0   2        0
  Washington-1793             0           1   2        0
  Washington-1794             0           1   3        0
[ reached max_nfeat ... 8,238 more features ]

1.4.2 dfm group

You can merge documents based on a vector and then takes the sum of feature frequencies.

#-- Inaugural Speech corpus
# we skipped the corpus() then tokens() step here
# as you can find the corpus by typing data_<tab>

inaug_tokens = tokens(data_corpus_inaugural)

inaug_dfm = dfm(inaug_tokens)
# head(inaug_dfm)

# group by Party
dfm_group_party = dfm_group(inaug_dfm, groups = Party)

Document-feature matrix of: 6 documents, 9,439 features (66.93% sparse) and 1 docvar.
docs                    fellow-citizens   of  the senate  and house
  Democratic                          3 1994 2742      2 1728     4
  Democratic-Republican              10  945 1416      0  640     0
  Federalist                          3  140  163      1  130     0
  none                                1   82  129      1   50     2
  Republican                          9 3055 4408      5 2386     4
  Whig                               13  964 1325      6  472     1
docs                    representatives  : among vicissitudes
  Democratic                          3 54    25            3
  Democratic-Republican               2  1    16            1
  Federalist                          2  0     4            0
  none                                2  2     1            1
  Republican                          6 86    52            0
  Whig                                4  1    10            0
[ reached max_nfeat ... 9,429 more features ]
1            Democratic
2 Democratic-Republican
3            Federalist
4                  none
5            Republican
6                  Whig

1.4.3 FCM

Feature co-occurrence matrix acts similar to dfm. You can construct a FCM from a DFM or a tokens object using fcm(). topfeatures() returns the most frequently co-occuring words.

# download news corpus
corp_news = download("data_corpus_guardian")

Corpus consisting of 4 documents and 9 docvars.
text136751 :
"London masterclass on climate change | Do you want to unders..."

text118588 :
"As colourful fish were swimming past him off the Greek coast..."

text45146 :
"FTSE 100 | -101.35 | 6708.35 | FTSE All Share | -58.11 | 360..."

text93623 :
"Australia's education minister, Christopher Pyne, has vowed ..."
news_tokens = tokens(corp_news,
                    remove_punct = T,
                    remove_separators = T,
                    remove_url = T)

news_dfm = dfm(news_tokens) 

news_dfm = dfm_remove(news_dfm , 
                      pattern= c(stopwords("en"), "*-time", "updated-*", "gmt", "bst","|"))

news_dfm_trim = dfm_trim(news_dfm, min_termfreq = 100)

      said     people        one        new       also         us        can 
     28412      11168       9879       8024       7901       7090       6972 
government       year       last 
      6821       6570       6335 

1.5 Stat Analysis

sotu_statfreq = textstat_frequency(sotu_corpus_tokens_clean_dfm,
                   n= 5,
                   groups = President)

head( sotu_statfreq )
     feature frequency rank docfreq  group
1     states       194    1       8  Adams
2     united       175    2       8  Adams
3       upon       165    3       6  Adams
4   congress       143    4       8  Adams
5        may       123    5       8  Adams
6 government       185    1       4 Arthur

1.5.1 lexical diversity

textstat_lexdiv() calculates various lexical diversity measures based on the number of unique types of tokens and the length of a document. It is useful, for instance, for analyzing speakers’ or writers’ linguistic skills, or the complexity of ideas expressed in documents.

inaug_tokens_dfm = dfm(inaug_tokens) %>% 

# inaug_tokens_dfm
inaug_lexdiv = textstat_lexdiv( inaug_tokens_dfm ) 

head( inaug_lexdiv )
         document       TTR
1 1789-Washington 0.7806748
2 1793-Washington 0.9354839
3      1797-Adams 0.6542056
4  1801-Jefferson 0.7293973
5  1805-Jefferson 0.6726014
6    1809-Madison 0.8326996
plot(inaug_lexdiv$TTR, type = "l", xaxt = "n", xlab = NULL, ylab = "TTR")
axis(1, at = seq_len(nrow(inaug_lexdiv)), labels = inaug_dfm$President )

1.5.2 document feature similarity

textstat_dist() calculates similarities of documents or features for various measures. Its output is compatible with R’s dist(), so hierarchical clustering can be performed without any transformation.

inaug_dfm_dist = as.dist( inaug_tokens_dfm )  
Warning in as.dist.default(inaug_tokens_dfm): non-square matrix
inaug_clustering = hclust( inaug_dfm_dist )

plot( inaug_clustering, xlab= "Distance", ylab="")

1.5.3 relative frequency analysis

Also known as keyness, Keyness is a signed two-by-two association scores originally implemented in WordSmith to identify frequent words in documents in a target and reference group.

sotu_keyness = textstat_keyness( sotu_corpus_dfm ) 

textplot_keyness( sotu_keyness)

1.5.4 collocation analysis

A collocation analysis allows us to identify contiguous collocations of words. One of the most common types of multi-word expressions are proper names, which can be identified simply based on capitalization in English texts.

Example from Quanteda, not run here.

corp_news <- download("data_corpus_guardian")

toks_news <- tokens(corp_news, remove_punct = TRUE)

tstat_col_caps <- tokens_select(toks_news, pattern = "^[A-Z]", 
                                valuetype = "regex", 
                                case_insensitive = FALSE, 
                                padding = TRUE) %>% 
                  textstat_collocations(min_count = 100)
head(tstat_col_caps, 20)

1.6 Advanced Operations

We can compute the similarities between authors by grouping their documents and comparing them with all other authors.

twitter_df = read_csv2("./TorontoTweetsText.csv")
ℹ Using "','" as decimal and "'.'" as grouping mark. Use `read_delim()` for more control.
Rows: 7985 Columns: 1
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ";"
chr (1): text

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# A tibble: 6 × 1
1 "📌 @mlleperez\n#Toronto #TheSix #EstudiaenCanadá🇨🇦 https://t.co/FzjSa3PhDv"  
2 "September marks a huge milestone @DistilleryTO …190 years old! Come explore …
3 "The average home price rising again in Toronto.\nhttps://t.co/NjHh7B5Odo\n#t…
4 "Sault News: Real estate prices expected to remain stable | CTV News\nhttps:/…
5 "Saturday vibes! #Toronto https://t.co/RKEosXP6X7"                            
6 "#Toronto head over to #BloorWest to support #Ukraine️ this afternoon! https:/…

construct a corpus

twitter_corpus = corpus(twitter_df)

Corpus consisting of 6 documents.
text1 :
"📌 @mlleperez #Toronto #TheSix #EstudiaenCanadá🇨🇦 https://t.c..."

text2 :
"September marks a huge milestone @DistilleryTO …190 years ol..."

text3 :
"The average home price rising again in Toronto. https://t.co..."

text4 :
"Sault News: Real estate prices expected to remain stable | C..."

text5 :
"Saturday vibes! #Toronto https://t.co/RKEosXP6X7"

text6 :
"#Toronto head over to #BloorWest to support #Ukraine️ this a..."

Construct a document-feature matrix, and remove tags, links, and English stopwords.

twitter_dfm = twitter_corpus %>% 
  # tokenize and clean text
  tokens(remove_punct = TRUE,
         remove_symbols = TRUE,
         remove_url = TRUE,
         remove_separators = TRUE) %>% 
  # make it into a dfm
  dfm() %>% 
  # remove stopwords
  dfm_remove(stopwords("en")) %>% 
  # extra string cleaning
  dfm_remove(pattern= c("#*","@*", "rt","RT","H/T","h/t",".com",".ca","amp"))

Document-feature matrix of: 6 documents, 16,469 features (99.96% sparse) and 0 docvars.
docs    🇨🇦 september marks huge milestone 190 years old come explore
  text1  1         0     0    0         0   0     0   0    0       0
  text2  0         1     1    1         1   1     1   1    1       1
  text3  0         0     0    0         0   0     0   0    0       0
  text4  0         0     0    0         0   0     0   0    0       0
  text5  0         0     0    0         0   0     0   0    0       0
  text6  0         0     0    0         0   0     0   0    0       0
[ reached max_nfeat ... 16,459 more features ]

see top features

topfeatures( twitter_dfm )
toronto  reggae  canada     new    best     now    live       h    2022   today 
   1337     503     477     391     376     371     355     346     340     326 

The Twitter data used in this section has only the text of the tweets. If the full data file containing screen names, then the following would work, which allows for clustering users in a dendrogram.

# --- group twitter users by screen name
twitter_dfm_groups = dfm_group(twitter_dfm, groups = screen_name)

#--- select tweets that meet a criteria
#     remove tweets with a frequency < 10 and tweets with >50 tokens in total

twitter_select = twitter_dfm_groups %>% 
    dfm_select( min_nchar = 2) %>% 
    dfm_trim( min_termfreq = 10)
twitter_select = twitter_select[ ntoken( twitter_select ) > 50 , ]

#-- clustering

twitter_dist = as.dist(  textstat_dist( twitter_select ))
twitter_clust = hclust( twitter_dist )

plot( twitter_clust )

1.6.1 multi-word expressions

We can compound multi-word expressions through collocation analysis.

text = c("Everyone loves New York!", "The home office of Barak Obama was in the White House.", "European Union is also known as the EU.","Soon it will be Black Friday, crazy time.")

[1] "Everyone loves New York!"                              
[2] "The home office of Barak Obama was in the White House."
[3] "European Union is also known as the EU."               
[4] "Soon it will be Black Friday, crazy time."             

now tokenize the text and clean the text

text_corpus = corpus(text)

text_tokens = tokens(text_corpus, 
                     remove_punct = T, 
                     remove_separators = T) %>% 

Tokens consisting of 4 documents.
text1 :
[1] "Everyone" "loves"    "New"      "York"    

text2 :
[1] "home"   "office" "Barak"  "Obama"  "White"  "House" 

text3 :
[1] "European" "Union"    "also"     "known"    "EU"      

text4 :
[1] "Soon"   "Black"  "Friday" "crazy"  "time"  

One of the most common type of multi-word expressions is proper names, which we can select simply based on capitalization in English texts.

# this text example is too small to run but the code is valid

text_tokens2 = tokens_select(text_tokens,
              pattern = "^[A-Z]",
              valuetype = "regex",
              case_insensitive = FALSE

text_collocat = textstat_collocations( text_tokens2, tolower = FALSE)

tokens_compound(text_tokens, pattern = text_collocat[ text_collocat$z > 3])

once you have all your tokens compounded, you can search where they are in the corpus.

# this is an imperfect example but shows the steps to use in large corpus

kwic(text_tokens, pattern = "Barak")
Keyword-in-context with 1 match.                                                   
 [text2, 3] home office | Barak | Obama White House

1.6.3 Naive Bayes classifier

Naive Bayes is a supervised model usually used to classify documents into two or more categories. We train the classifier using class labels attached to documents, and predict the most likely class(es) of new unlabeled documents.

# install.packages('caret')

movie_review = corpus(data_corpus_moviereviews)

# head(movie_review)

summary(movie_review, 5)
Corpus consisting of 2000 documents, showing 5 documents:

            Text Types Tokens Sentences sentiment   id1   id2
 cv000_29416.txt   354    841         9       neg cv000 29416
 cv001_19502.txt   156    278         1       neg cv001 19502
 cv002_17424.txt   276    553         3       neg cv002 17424
 cv003_12683.txt   313    555         2       neg cv003 12683
 cv004_12641.txt   380    841         2       neg cv004 12641

The variable “Sentiment” indicates whether a movie review was classified as positive or negative. In this example we use 1500 reviews as the training set and build a Naive Bayes classifier based on this subset. In a second step, we predict the sentiment for the remaining reviews (our test set).


id_train = sample(1:2000, 1500, replace = FALSE)

[1]  590  874 1602  985 1692  789
# create docvar with id
movie_review$id_num = 1:ndoc(movie_review)

# tokenize texts
movie_review_tokens = tokens(movie_review,
                             remove_punct = T,
                             remove_numbers = T) %>% 
  tokens_remove(stopwords("en")) %>% 

# movie review dfm
movie_review_dfm = dfm(movie_review_tokens)

movie_training = dfm_subset(movie_review_dfm, id_num %in% id_train)

movie_test = dfm_subset(movie_review_dfm, !id_num %in% id_train)

Naive Bayes

movie_naiveBayes = textmodel_nb(movie_training, movie_training$sentiment)


textmodel_nb.dfm(x = movie_training, y = movie_training$sentiment)

Class Priors:
(showing first 2 elements)
neg pos 
0.5 0.5 

Estimated Feature Scores:
        plot      two      teen     coupl       go    church     parti
neg 0.002579 0.002318 0.0002870 0.0007157 0.002663 8.719e-05 0.0002652
pos 0.001507 0.002338 0.0001656 0.0005456 0.002348 8.768e-05 0.0002728
        drink     drive      get     accid      one       guy       die
neg 1.199e-04 0.0003052 0.004486 9.445e-05 0.007389 0.0014458 0.0005485
pos 9.417e-05 0.0002630 0.003783 1.851e-04 0.007355 0.0009937 0.0005488
    girlfriend   continu      see     life  nightmar      deal    watch
neg  0.0003124 0.0003161 0.002557 0.001435 0.0001199 0.0004323 0.001642
pos  0.0002338 0.0003215 0.003020 0.002497 0.0001202 0.0005196 0.001539
        movi     sorta     find   critiqu mind-fuck   generat     touch
neg 0.010117 1.090e-05 0.001453 9.445e-05 3.633e-06 0.0002652 0.0002289
pos 0.007657 1.624e-05 0.001630 8.443e-05 3.247e-06 0.0002923 0.0004449
         cool      idea
neg 0.0003052 0.0008210
pos 0.0002273 0.0005845

Naive Bayes can only take features into consideration that occur both in the training set and the test set, but we can make the features identical using dfm_match()

movie_dfm_match = dfm_match(movie_test, features = featnames(movie_training))

inspect the classification model

movie_actual_class = movie_dfm_match$sentiment

movie_predicted_class = predict( movie_naiveBayes, newdata = movie_dfm_match )

movie_class_matrix = table( movie_actual_class, movie_predicted_class)

movie_actual_class neg pos
               neg 213  45
               pos  37 205

From the cross-table we see that the number of false positives and false negatives is similar. The classifier made mistakes in both directions, but does not seem to over- or underestimate one class.

  mode= "everything",
  positive= "pos"
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

movie_actual_class neg pos
               neg 213  45
               pos  37 205
               Accuracy : 0.836           
                 95% CI : (0.8006, 0.8674)
    No Information Rate : 0.5             
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16          
                  Kappa : 0.672           
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.4395          
            Sensitivity : 0.8200          
            Specificity : 0.8520          
         Pos Pred Value : 0.8471          
         Neg Pred Value : 0.8256          
              Precision : 0.8471          
                 Recall : 0.8200          
                     F1 : 0.8333          
             Prevalence : 0.5000          
         Detection Rate : 0.4100          
   Detection Prevalence : 0.4840          
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.8360          
       'Positive' Class : pos             

End of Quanteda section